Three Years at Heroku - By the Numbers
26 Feb 2015This month marks my third year anniversary with Heroku. It’s the longest I’ve worked at a single company and has been the greatest single career move I’ve made to date.
I’m extremely proud of what my company, and my open source communities, have been able to accomplish in the last 3 years. Here’s a glimpse of what my last three years looked like.
By the Numbers
- 5,423,598 gem installs.
- 255,617 Youtube video views. (My most popular is WTF is HTTP).
- 226,718 Miles with my butt in an airplane seat.
- 5,000 Twitter followers (Started at 500).
- 4,307 More developers making open source a better place with the help of codetriage. (p.s. also try
- 1,024 Heroku support ticket responses.
- 235 Edits to Heroku Dev Center articles.
- 165 Commits to Rails.
- 150 Commits to the Ruby buildpack.
- 100 Pages Co-written for O’Reilly’s Heroku Up and Running
- 94 Blog posts on
- 65 Total Heroku Ruby buildpack tests added to the project.
- 23 Countries I’ve visited while speaking at conferences
- 15 Times I’ve watched tenderlove give a talk at a conference.
- 5 Continents visited. (Hey Ruby Fuza! spare a developer an invite in 2016? Also, Antarctica anyone?).
- 3 Co-organizers with whom I got to share the joy of creating a conference KeepRubyWeird.
- 2 Beautiful wedding ceremonies (both on the same day and to the same woman).
- 1 Human created - My wife and I are expecting in June 2015!
It’s been a wild ride, and I can’t wait to see what the next 3 years will look like.
If someone asked me what life would have looked like when Gowalla got aqui-destroyed by Facebook, and I was out looking for a job in late 2011, I never would have dreamed things would have worked out as well as they have.
In the Future
I want to make more time for my family by speaking more domestically and taking less international flights (hint: I would love an invite me to your domestic conf in 2016). I want to be more involved with technical podcasts and other ways to reach the community that let me spend more time at home (hint: I make a great podcast guest. Message me to talk topic ideas).
I want to keep investing in code and the open source community. Even after 7 years of writing Ruby, I still love it and find wonderful little nooks to explore. I want to make the open source software I touch more usable and performant. I want to keep engaging and communicating. I want to build tools that empower and let others contribute. I want to keep pushing code to production that impacts millions of companies’ apps.
I want to build things for my home that delight and inspire. I want to change a bunch of poopy diapers and learn what it means to nurture another human being. I want to never sacrifice my health or my family for my job. I want to stave off burnout and find new ways to stay engaged and relevant. I want to show Ruby that I love her every day <3.
Follow @schneems if you like code, open source, or pictures of Weiner dogs.