Specify Different Gemfile while using Bundler

Travis has a great feature of being able to install gems using a custom Gemfile path. This lets you do things like test against multiple versions of Rails very easily. A project that uses this is sprockets-rails.

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Hi Richard Thanks For The Tutorial It Is Great I Am

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Maildown: Write your Rails emails in Markdown

Maildown: Write your Rails emails in Markdown

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Just Wanted To Say Thanks Again For All The Lessons

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Heroku API Demo

Whipped up a quick demo of the Heroku API using Sinatra and heroku-bouncer (heroku’s oauth rack middleware).

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My wedding with Ruby featured in Style Me Pretty

My wedding with Ruby featured in Style Me Pretty

Maybe not programming related, but stil features plenty of “Ruby”. My wedding was recently featured on style me pretty. Check it out:

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Testing Against Multiple Rails Versions

Upgrading major versions of Rails sucks. I was there from 0.9 to 1.0, all the way to the famed 2 to 3 release, and they were all painful. I have good news though: Rails 4 is right around the corner, and it’s a much cleaner upgrade. While you are getting your app ready for Rails 4 are you bringing the gems you’ve written up to speed? If the answer is “I don’t know”, keep reading - we will cover how to test the gems you’ve written against multiple versions of Rails including Rails 4 release candidate.

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Hi Richard I Love Your Videos Thanks So Much Times A

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You Have The Best Lesson On Rails Hands Down Coming

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Hey Man I Just Wanted To Say Thank You For Putting The

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