N+1 Queries or Memory Problems: Why not Solve Both?

This post is going to help save you money if you’re running a Rails server. It starts like this: you write an app. Let’s say you’re building the next hyper-targeted blogging platform for medium length posts. When you login, you see a paginated list of all of the articles you’ve written. You have a Post model and maybe for to do tags, you have a Tag model, and for comments, you have a Comment model. You write your view so that it renders the posts:

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Config: Behavior versus Credentials

An application doesn’t have one type of configuration, it has two. In Rails, it’s confusing since we muddle these two together under a giant switch statement powered by RAILS_ENV. Let’s start with some definitions.

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Puma, Ports, and Polish

Polish is what distinguishes good software from great software. When you use an app or code that clearly cares about the edge cases and how all the pieces work together, it feels right. Unfortunately, this is the part of the software that most often gets overlooked, in favor of more features or more time on another project. Recently, I had the opportunity to work on an integration between Rails and Puma and I wanted to share that experience in the context of polish and what it takes to make open source work.

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Bundler Changed Where Your Canonical Ruby Information Lives: What You Need to Know

Heroku bumped its Bundler version to 1.13.7 almost a month ago, and since then we’ve had a large number of support tickets opened, many a variant of the following:

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The Oldest Bug In Ruby - Why Rack::Timeout Might Hose your Server

Update: There’s a great resource for dealing with timeouts in Ruby called The ultimate guide to Ruby Timeouts, via @codefolio. Also there’s some good dicussion on Reddit around the possibility of maybe using Thread.handle_interupt in gems, read the comments. Also I added a feature to “SIGTERM” on timeout in rack-timeout that can help mitigate (but not fix) the issue term on timeout documentation.

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How the F does Sprockets Load an Asset?

How does an asset get compiled? It’s less of a pipeline and more of a recursive ball of, well assets. To understand the process we will, start off with an asset with no directives (no require at the top). We’ll then walk through all the steps Sprockets goes through until a usable asset is loaded into memory. For this example we will use a js.erb file to see how a “complex” file (i.e. multiple extensions) type gets compiled. All examples are with Sprockets 4 (i.e. master branch). Here’s the file:

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Who Called Git? An Unusual Debugging Story

I don’t usually talk about support ticket work that I do. Most tickets are so specific it’s hard to write generalized articles. When I get a type of ticket that is worth blogging about, I usually find a better place to write about it like devcenter docs, or I look for a way to push a fix to an upstream open source library. Today I got an unusual bug, and I fixed it in a fairly unusual (for me) way. Thought you might be interested.

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Writing a Rails Feature - Blow by Blow

My favorite part of seeing someone live code is all the mistakes they make, but not because I’m a mean awful person who likes to see others fail. Watching others recover from mistakes helps me recover from my mistakes. It also makes me feel better when I see they mess up the same ways that I do. Too often, programmers beat themselves up when they can’t remember an API and have to Google it, or they lose an hour to a simple spelling mistake. Everyone does these things.

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Statistical Literacy and You: An Intro for Programmers

America. World. Let’s talk about statistics. Statistical literacy is a giant gaping hole in humanity’s collective toolkit, and it matters a lot more when your job relies heavily on numbers. Take programmers for example - as programmers, we love determinism and don’t do well with uncertainty. Yet, we work with inherently uncertain systems. How we build programs to deal with anomalies, how we generate and present data can both be greatly improved with a few basic statistical methods. If you were confused about the Cubs winning the world series, or how the polls in the US Presidential election could be “so wrong”, keep reading.

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When To Be Concerned About Concerns

When I wrote about good modules and bad modules, I mentioned that an indication of a “bad” module was when it was used to extract code for the sake of code extraction. This usually results in a module that is only being mixed into one class.

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