Multiple Ruby Version Support on Heroku
09 May 2012Starting today Heroku will allow you to specify a version of Ruby in your production app. As one of the most requested features we have been asked for time and time again, we’re happy to announce that it’s now live. To get started you’ll want to update your version of Bundler locally to version 1.2.0, or above.
This is a re-post of an Article I wrote for the Heroku Blog
$ gem install bundler --pre
Then you’ll want to specify the version of Ruby you want to use in your application inside of your Gemfile. For example if we wanted to use Ruby 1.9.3 in our production application you would want to include ruby '1.9.3'
inside of your Gemfile. In a rails Gemfile it might look something like this:
source ''
ruby '1.9.3'
gem 'rails', '3.2.3'
Once you’ve added ruby
to your Gemfile, commit it to git
$ git add Gemfile
$ git commit -m 'use Ruby 1.9.3 on Heroku'
Then you’ll want to deploy your app
$ git push heroku master
Once your application is done deploying you will be able see the version of Ruby you are using is 1.9.3.
$ heroku run bash
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]
It’s that simple!
With this new feature you can also use this process to call a specific version of Ruby other than 1.9.3, however, if it is not installed on the Heroku system you’ll receive an error.
Production and Development Parity
At Heroku, we strongly believe that there should always be a strong parity between development and production environments in order to minimize any surprises. When the tooling of your development environment most closely matches your production environment, there is far less room for error. Another good example of keeping parity between dev and production environments would be running PostgreSQL locally in the development environment instead of SQLite since you’re production system is running Postgres on Heroku.
While there are other reasons you may want to use different versions of Ruby in certain scenarios including performance issues or to access version-specific Ruby features, developers should overall strive to use the same tools and versions of software for development as are used for production.
Patch Versions
While you can now specify the version of Ruby you would like your web application to use, at this time we do not support that ability to request a specific patch version to be called, such as Ruby 1.9.2-p290. Ruby patches often include important bug and security fixes and are extremely compatible. While you can specify the version of Ruby you wish to use, Heroku will provide the most secure patch level of that version.
If you’ve followed all the steps above and you’re still seeing a different version of Ruby than you need, please recheck your path.
$ heroku config
PATH => vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:bin
RACK_ENV => production
# ...
You need to ensure that bin
is in front of your path so you could change the above to
$ heroku config:add PATH=bin:vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
As a tip, It is a good idea to use the free releases feature whenever you are modifying your ‘config’ in case you need to roll back to a previous version of Ruby.
Thanks to Terence Lee Heroku Ruby team member and bundler maintainer for the additional support of ruby versions to the Heroku Ruby Buildpack and orchestrated the release of Bundler 1.2.0. Also thanks to Yehuda Katz and the entire Bundler team for helping get this release out the door.
Give this feature a try and let me know what you think @schneems!